Pathologies Of The Imageis a requiem for the art works. It consists on singers singing a cappella a list of pathologies that art pieces suffers or could suffer, that is to say, the substances, environmental conditions, parasites, accidents, etc. that affect and destroy images (whether they be analogue or digital).
Pathologies Of The Image underlines then the immateriality of the art work precisely through its materiality, turn all the factors which destroy an art work into the art work itself. It’s a statement for an immaterial art piece. A performance based on one of the most ephemeral materials: the voice.
Depending on the context, the performance could adopt different compatible forms:
1) as a performance with a chor (4 singers or more)
2) as a guided visit to an exhibition: one singer goes from work to work commenting on their singularities, and enumerating the different pathologies that each piece suffers or could suffer
3) as a sound installation: sound of recorded voices singing to be played in the installation + music sheet
Here the first 3 tracks of the Spanish version sung by 12 female voices of the Cor Plèiade de la Societat Coral Amics de la Unió. Composer: Lars Isdahl. Director: Júlia Sesé Produced with the support of Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Granollers, 2019